Values of Bear
Watching along the
Katmai Coast
by Lynn Rogers I believe
that bears and people benefit from well managed bear-watching
along the Katmai Coast. Katmai National Park is part of the largest
brown bear protection area in the world, and most of the bears have
learned to essentially ignore the inconsequential humans who do not
approach too closely. People have a rare opportunity to observe
undisturbed bears making a living as they have done there for
thousands of years: grazing, catching salmon, digging clams,
playing, fighting, mating, and caring for cubs. Naturalist-leaders
further minimize disturbance by interpreting bear behavior and
avoiding nervous bears. As people experience their first wild brown
bears, I watch attitudes change from apprehension to fascination as
the people replace myth with fact and realize that these timid
giants are not the ferocious animals they always thought. The
presence of the bear-watchers helps protect the bears from poachers.
The bear-watchers give the bears a new economic value that could
lead to protection of additional areas as demand for bear-watching
increases. And the bear-watchers return home to share their new
attitude about bears with others, leading to better protection of
bears and bear habitat wherever the people live. The bear-watchers
benefit from a new-found appreciation of bears and loss of fear,
which can give greater enjoyment of the outdoors wherever they go in
bear country. Tour operators and their communities benefit from the
There are two concerns about bear-watching: disturbance to
the bears and the safety of the people. Disturbance is negligible
compared with effects of hunting and compared with effects of
disturbance in areas where food is scarce. Bears along the Katmai
Coast are blessed with such rich food supply that they are among the
fastest growing and most successfully reproducing brown bears in the
world. They quickly habituate to people with many of the bears in
the most popular viewing areas seeing their first people as cubs.
Any disturbance to bears that are newcomers to popular viewing areas
is temporary as the bears quickly habituate to people. Any temporary
disturbance by bear-watchers is certainly outweighed by the benefits
that bear-watchers provide. Film companies that desire to approach
closely may temporarily disturb some bears, causing them to move
away unharmed, but the resulting education of millions of people can
benefit the whole Katmai bear population forever as attitudes are
So far, the expense and logistics of reaching the Katmai
Coast have kept visitors at low numbers. Visitors could become a
disturbance if large numbers camped in prime feeding areas like the
mouths of salmon streams, in clamming areas, and on sedge flats such
as at Hallo Bay and Swikshak Bay. Large numbers of visitors spread
singly across the sedge flats or cruising the rivers could dominate
the area and keep timid bears away. If bear-watching increases many
fold, new restrictions might be needed in prime feeding areas. At
present, the temporary disturbances to a few bears by the low number
of visitors appear to be far outweighed by the benefits to bears and
Katmai Coastal Bear Tours has designed an eco-tourism package
that has negligible impact on the area and the bears. A limit of six
bear-watchers live and eat on a boat located offshore. They come
ashore in a small boat with minimal disturbance. Led by a
naturalist, they remain in a tight group as they walk about, taking
nothing but pictures and leaving nothing but tracks, and most of the
tracks are washed away by the next tide.
[ Values of Bear-Watching along the Katmai Coast ] [ Observing Grizzlies ] [ Bear Watching ] [ Living on the Boat ] [ Coming into Bear Country ] |